Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fix, Finish, Frog, or Forget

After two cups of strong coffee this morning I tackled an organizing project that was hangin' over my head. You see, I get a little corner of the garage for my storage and workspace for my fiber arts. This messy little corner needed an overhaul. I put finished yarn in one bin, raw fleece in another bin, etc. Sadly I had a whole category of "unfinished projects". To think I use to be a one-project-at-a-time girl and now I have a serious case of start-itis. Sigh. Well, I'm going to  whittle away at the unfinished projects now. First I have to decide: fix, finish, frog, or forget. "Forget" is to literally throw in the the trash. Sometimes that's the best place for an unfinished project. Today I'm going to start with the easy ones:
A Sea-Silk tank that has already been blocked---all it needs is two side seems and to weave in the ends.

A pair of thrummed mittens. The ends need to be woven in and all the little thrums need to be fluffed on the inside.

Oh, what was I thinking? The design on this shawl doesn't stand out enough because of the lumpy hand spun yarn. Why waste the yarn?


Time to get to work.

1 comment:

  1. It looks to me that each of your decisions look to be good ones.

    Just think, you will start a project and finish quickly! Ohhh the feeling of completing a project.
