Sunday, January 11, 2009

A week of trying new things

This week I experimented with embroidery using naturally dyed yarn samples. The pillows are all wool but feel pretty soft.

I worked up a sample of the purple cotswold. I'm trying to spin a thicker yarn.

This week I also washed 5 lbs of shetland. I'm really excited about this fleece, it's so soft! I washed it in the kitchen sink (which is really small) and it took two days to get it all done. This morning the glass lid of our top loading washer shattered. I'll be calling the manufacturer tomorrow. Can you imagine if glass shattered into a fleece?!? Yikes! Glad I washed this fleece in the sink.

I finally got to try out my new wool combs. I had watched some youtube videos before I tried them and that really helped.


  1. Those cushions look lovely!

    I've got stacks of Jacobs wool to wash. I'm not sure if you should wash it in large chunks or just what I'm likely to use as I need it!?!?


  2. Hey, sweetie! I have a Shetland fleece identical to this one! It was five pounds too and I've only washed maybe about two pounds. There's alot more than what you think! I put a portion of my fleece in my washer with very hot water and plenty of soap. Of course, don't agitate as the wool will felt. I washed it a couple of times and spun it and it was heavenly clean! I'm just washing as I need it and storing the rest if hen would like to know!
