Sunday, November 12, 2017

Icelandic Improved

       I love Icelandic sweaters but...     there are a few qualities about traditional Iceland sweater designs that I'm not fond of.  They are generally too saggy because of the heavy wool, the necks are too high, and the color combinations are high contrast giving them a bit of "clown" look. I've decided to design an Icelandic sweater with improvements.
     This one is going to be fitted with tight sleeves and slim body. For the colors I'm going to keep them all in the same value.  I'm choosing dark, but the whole thing could be done in light colors or the mid-range.  I had to dye some of my left over Alafosslopi to get some more black.

I'm planning on doing some type of swoop-neck by utilizing short rows - I haven't gotten to that yet. To be continued.

The actual design I just made up after looking at photos of sweaters on-line. I'm keeping some notes on it: 
Now I'm getting to the shoulders and neck part of the project. This is the part I enjoy knitting. Stay tuned and I will post the final project in a few days.

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