Yesterday I rearranged the yarn barn so I can open the front door. I had the front door covered with a quilt for the winter because there's no heat in the shed and it had an unbearable draft. Now that the weather is nicer, I like to leave the door open while I'm in there and let more natural light in.
I'm spinning lace weight these days, so I thought I'd take a break and spin some woolen. I actually made a sample! I think it's the first time ever I sampled for a spinning project. I liked the results so now I'm going to sit down and card a bunch of clouds.
I'm using some merino roving that I dyed with some black alpaca. Both are in roving form so I'm carding to blend the colors and fiber types, and to mess up the fibers so they are not aligned.
Now I have fluffy little clouds to be spun woolen style.